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Hi All I'm new to the forum a first timer but quick learner!

Here's my idea and I wondered how I should plan to do it.... I did the thing that most people here seem to think the wrong start in hyperspin...... I bought a hard drive from the internet, in my defence it all happened in a nostalgic night on my tablet... But in the time it took to arrive I found a lot of YouTube videos to start it myself so I registered and paided both here and at emu site and with the help of YouTube managed to get it all working up to date with version 1.4 and rocket launcher and mame 0.164 all videos and stuff looking great.

Now my problem is the drive turned up working fine but is on the older version of hyperspin but has a lot of systems on it.

so do I continue with my updated version and move over the bits I haven't got and more importantly how is the best way to do it???

Or do I just use the one that I ordered???

Thanks for your time :)

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