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Relative Paths for Videos in HyperHQ


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Hello guys, I'm trying to make my HS Setup as portable as possible, so I have to use relative paths for all my folders.

Currently I'm adding the Arcade Classics wheels and I want that these wheels point to my MAME video folder for the videos so I don't have thousands of duplicate videos wasting space on the hard drive.

The relative paths for all my ROMs are working really fine in HyperHQ but I don't get the paths for the videos working. I already tried a bunch of combinations.

Can anybody give me the right relative path for it?

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videos no support relative paths, i use this ahk for change letter drive in .ini systems:


#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#Warn  ; Recommended for catching common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

;~             ####Modifica los settings de los sistemas que comparten videos con mame, ya que el HQ  en esa seccion solo soporta el path completo (Solo cambia la letra de unidad)####

iniRead, origValue, % A_WorkingDir . "\Settings\CAVE CV1000.ini", video defaults, path
IniWrite, % SubStr(A_ScriptFullPath, 1, 1) . SubStr(origValue, 2), % A_WorkingDir . "\Settings\CAVE CV1000.ini", video defaults, path

iniRead, origValue, % A_WorkingDir . "\Settings\CAVE.ini", video defaults, path
IniWrite, % SubStr(A_ScriptFullPath, 1, 1) . SubStr(origValue, 2), % A_WorkingDir . "\Settings\CAVE.ini", video defaults, path

iniRead, origValue, % A_WorkingDir . "\Settings\CPS-1.ini", video defaults, path
IniWrite, % SubStr(A_ScriptFullPath, 1, 1) . SubStr(origValue, 2), % A_WorkingDir . "\Settings\CPS-1.ini", video defaults, path

iniRead, origValue, % A_WorkingDir . "\Settings\CPS-2.ini", video defaults, path
IniWrite, % SubStr(A_ScriptFullPath, 1, 1) . SubStr(origValue, 2), % A_WorkingDir . "\Settings\CPS-2.ini", video defaults, path

iniRead, origValue, % A_WorkingDir . "\Settings\CPS-3.ini", video defaults, path
IniWrite, % SubStr(A_ScriptFullPath, 1, 1) . SubStr(origValue, 2), % A_WorkingDir . "\Settings\CPS-3.ini", video defaults, path

iniRead, origValue, % A_WorkingDir . "\Settings\SNK Neo Geo AES.ini", video defaults, path
IniWrite, % SubStr(A_ScriptFullPath, 1, 1) . SubStr(origValue, 2), % A_WorkingDir . "\Settings\SNK Neo Geo AES.ini", video defaults, path

iniRead, origValue, % A_WorkingDir . "\Settings\SNK Neo Geo MVS.ini", video defaults, path
IniWrite, % SubStr(A_ScriptFullPath, 1, 1) . SubStr(origValue, 2), % A_WorkingDir . "\Settings\SNK Neo Geo MVS.ini", video defaults, path

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